Centre Technique des Industries Mecaniques

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The Technical Centre for Mechanical Industry (CETIM) was created in 1965, upon request from mechanical industry companies in order to provide companies with means and competences to improve their competitiveness, take part in standardisation, establish a relationship between scientific research and industry, promote technical progress, provide assistance to improve performance and guarantee quality. Technological innovation at CETIM includes work in cooperation with scientific circles, studies of general nature, large federating projects, sectorial and multi-sectorial R&D activity, standardisation, and development of human potential and material resources. The services offered by CETIM add to its research activity and collective projects. By developing a multi-disciplinary approach combining all mechanical skills, CETIM offers its customers, SMI, corporations or experts something unique on the market. CETIM's ability to answer major calls for tenders as well as individual needs, and its efforts to develop service and responsiveness set the organisation as a unique actor and expert in mechanical engineering.

Website: www.cetim.fr/en