CAP is a competitiveness cluster dedicated to cleaner energy production, energy efficiency, renewable and nuclear energy. CAP has more than 400 members specifically in the energy industry and works with industrial, research and higher education partnerships in Provence-Alpes, Côte d’Azur, Corsica and the Reunion & Guadeloupe Islands. The purpose of CAP is to bring together players in the energy market to contribute to projects - both national and international - and to promote or develop energy with minimal environmental impact. Currently CAP is involved in 9 financed large-scale Wind Energy projects.
The main objective of this cluster is to contribute to the economic growth of small firms on the subjects of innovation and international development. The goals of CAP are to:
- Facilitate exchanges between members
- Develop co-operative and innovative projects on energy solution systems
- Assist members in developing their projects and products
- Support members in their international development.
CAP’s contribution will be very useful to the consortium in understanding the needs and hence specifications of the system under development.